A nine month HER Mystery School curriculum unifying scripture and the priestess arts.

Deep Feminine Liberation of Your Mind, Your Voice, Your Loving, and Your Instincts
with Jumana Sophia
* A four part master class series inspired by True Nature, the third year advanced curriculum of HER Mystery School, simplified and appropriate for all levels of experience.
For a Freewoman, freedom is an inside job. She knows that freedom is the way she inhabits all that she is, and the internal strength of character to CHOOSE WHAT SHE BECOMES when faced by circumstances within or around her that would bind or suffocate her will.
Beyond collusion, rhetoric, politics, polarizati0n and posturing is a Way of walking this life as a woman of sacred regard. Marked by integrity, ease, nobility, and deep relief, this Way is nourished by the deep feminine wisdom stream, protected by sacred law, and made right by natural law.
In our time together we will turn toward simple, immediately effective applied practices and wisdom teachings that release strain, the paralysis of internalized double binds (internal conflicts that have become irreconcilable), self-doubt, perfectionism and its sister nihilism, compression, overcomplication and generally any torment that is suffocating the expression and rightness of your true nature.
In this culminating and final series, I have distilled the past eight years of companioning women through the school, and particularly through the last two years of creating and guiding the third year curriculum. This series is dedicated to unsuffocating your life force, your truth, so that you can move, breathe, speak, and love with an unrestricted will and a truly unburdened heart.
One way of understanding our work through this series is that we will be essentially freeing your true yang movement, the expression and the dynamic power that emerges from a cultivated yin, or deep feminine magnetic presence.
Another way of understanding what we'll be working with is the high art of the wiling instrument - simple and potent ways of making it a gift rather than a burden to be a sensitized woman of depth navigating a rootless and amnesiac overculture.
The forces in our world that thrive on generating confusion, polarization, exploitation, and subjugation can and will wear the clothes of any political party, religion, ideology, rhetoric, friend or enemy. The only terrain in which victory is certain is within your own heart, mind, instincts, and truth.
So, in service to your victory, Freewoman, we will unbind the SEER, the TRUTHKEEPER, the MAGDALENE, and the KILLER in you.
There are ways to protect your mind that will free you from confusion, collusion, fear, and manipulation.
There are ways to hold your truth to ensure that it is neither repressed nor demanded of you by company that is unworthy of it.
There are ways to fully liberate your loving by unburdening your heart and sheltering the liberation of your sexuality.
There is a way to fully empower your instincts, but it requires understanding and abiding by the sacred laws of she who would wield deadly force.
Let's become heroines of this apocalypse, this time of humanity's Great Revealing.
Let's become Freewomen, by right, by choice and by skillful means.
Freewoman ~ Complete Series of Four
Sundays February 2nd-23rd, 10 am PST
Four 90 minute depth practicums, weekly beginning February 2nd, 2025.
Can be attended individually or as a discounted series.
All sessions will be recorded.
Liberate Your Mind
Sacred law, natural law and holy wisdoms that protect your mind and free you from confusion, collusion, fear, and manipulation.
Restore balance, critical thinking and the unwavering clarity of an open but discerning mind.
DATE AND TIME: Sunday, Feb 2nd, 10 am PST
COST: $55
(discounted $205 for the full series)
Liberate Your Loving
Sacred law, natural law and holy wisdoms that fully liberate your loving by unburdening your heart and sheltering the liberation of your sexuality.
Depletion leads to excess, overexposure leads to amnesia. Only you can protect the sacred nature of your loving.
DATE AND TIME: Sunday, Feb 16th, 10 am PST
COST: $55
(discounted $205 for the full series)
Liberate Your Truth
Sacred law, natural law and holy wisdoms that restore the discernment necessary to hold your truth and ensure that it is neither repressed nor demanded of you by company that is unworthy of it.
Your voice is your power but also your peace.
DATE AND TIME: Sunday, Feb 9th, 10 am PST
COST: $55
(discounted $205 for the full series)
Liberate the Force of Nature in You
Sacred law, natural law and holy wisdoms that fully empower your instincts, aligning the force of nature in you with the sacred laws of she who would wield deadly force.
Your right to defend what is sacred to you is only as strong as your capacity to do so with mastery and skillful means.